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Ranking Member Klobuchar Statement on the Firing of CISA Director Christopher Krebs

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, the Ranking Member of the Senate Rules Committee with oversight over federal elections, released the following statement on news that Christopher Krebs, the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), was fired by President Trump:

“President Trump’s firing of Chistopher Krebs is a gut punch to our democracy.  Director Krebs has been praised by both Republicans and Democrats at the state and national level for protecting our nation’s critical infrastructure, including our election systems.  

“As the lead Democrat on the Rules Committee with jurisdiction over elections, I have worked closely with Director Krebs to protect our elections. He has been truthful and straightforward with the American people about the threats to our democracy, and following the election he has done important work to stop the spread of misinformation that undermines the American government. We need more people like Director Krebs working in government, and it is wrong that he was fired.”    
