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U.S. Capitol Police Inspector General Praises Joint Report of Rules and Homeland Security Committees on Security, Planning, and Response Failures on January 6th

Inspector General Bolton calls report “spot on”

WASHINGTON – Today in the Rules Committee hearing on oversight of the U.S. Capitol Police, U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Chairwoman of the Committee on Rules and Administration, asked U.S. Capitol Police Inspector General Michael Bolton about his reaction to the bipartisan joint Rules Committee and Homeland Security Committee report focused on the security, planning, and response failures of January 6th that was released last week. Bolton praised the work of the committees and stated that the report “hit the mark of exactly what failed that day, deficiencies within a department.” 

Inspector General Bolton’s response:

Senator Klobuchar: Thank you, thank you very much, Inspector General. When supporters of President Trump stormed the Capitol after his speech and after months of his false claims about the outcome of the election, we saw the results of that. And we issued a joint report that focused on the issue of what went wrong at the Capitol leading into and during that day. Do you want to comment on our report and what you thought of the report?

Mr. Bolton: I believe that your report, which of course I’ve read, it was spot on. It hit the mark of exactly what failed that day, deficiencies within a department, and highlighted, and it was very useful for my office as well to review that report, and we appreciated that report as well. But it certainly was a report that hit the mark. I completely concur with all of your recommendations and findings.
