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Blunt Announces Rules Committee Hearing on 2020 Election Preparations

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roy Blunt (Mo.), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, will hold a hearing titled, “2020 General Election Preparations” at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, in Room 301 of the Russell Senate Office Building. The committee will hear from state and local election officials about the steps they are taking to ensure safe, secure, and accessible elections.

“State and local election officials face a unique set of challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Blunt. “We need to be sure they have the resources and, importantly, the flexibility to address those challenges in ways that best fit their needs. Congress has provided a total of more than $1.2 billion over the past two years to help states prepare for the 2020 elections, including $400 million in the CARES Act. I look forward to a wide-ranging discussion on how states have utilized federal grant funding, how they are preparing for the upcoming elections, and how the federal government can play a constructive role in assisting state and locally-led efforts.”


The Honorable Tre Hargett, Secretary of State of Tennessee

The Honorable Mac Warner, Secretary of State of West Virginia

Mr. Rick Stream, Republican Director of Elections, St. Louis County, Missouri

Ms. Kristen Clarke, President and Executive Director, National Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

Hearing Details:

Subject: 2020 General Election Preparations

Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Location: Russell Senate Office Building, Room SR-301

Time: 10:30 a.m. ET

Witness testimony, opening statements, and a live video of the hearing will be available on


For this hearing, the committee will follow guidelines developed in consultation with the Office of the Attending Physician to protect the health of members, staff, and the public. This includes maintaining six-foot social distance spacing in the hearing room. Pursuant to this guidance, Senate office buildings are not open to the public other than official business visitors and credentialed press at this time. Accordingly, in-person visitors cannot be accommodated at this hearing.

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